

My name is Ariel, and I’ve been an artist for as long as I can remember. I was born and raised in the Salt Lake City area of Utah, and live here to this day. I grew up with amazing parents who are very supportive of my work and a sibling who shares my passion for art as a tattoo artist.

I’ve always loved to create and have pursued it as a career all through my academic career. I recently graduated with a BFA in Illustration from UVU, and I have been doing a variety of freelance work. My main projects include live wedding painting, pet portraits, and family portraits. I also work as an art instructor at Easely Art Studio here in Utah.

I don’t like to be limited to one medium for creation, so I create a variety of crafts in my free time that I often sell at markets. I love to sew, crochet, create jewelry, and whatever else I can to bring my ideas to life.

Whenever I’m not creating, I can be found training at the gym or binging TV shows with my husband and dogs.


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it all started with my camera.

about us